External crack repair method for concrete structures

Patent No. 10-2037809

This is a construction method for repairing peeled areas on the concrete base and repairing external cracks during exterior painting and waterproofing of buildings. It repairs peeled areas in concrete by mixing mortar coat and Remital to add anti-rust function to exposed areas of steel bars and prevents re-defects with strong adhesion. It is a method of improving the durability of the painting by completely repairing cracks on the surface using High seal, a high-elasticity crack repair agent.


01Excellent elongation rate Complete crack repair by using High seal which has 900% elongation rate, the highest rate in Korea

02Strong adhesion The excellent adhesion performance of the mortar coat prevents re-defects by strongly adhering to all surfaces without applying a primer.

03Excellent durability Chemical resistance and strong durability against external environments such as base, moisture, and UV rays

04Convenient constructability Complete repair of cracks is possible with only one application, reducing labor costs and shortening the construction period

05Economical method It is a water-soluble inorganic sealing agent that does not generate organic compounds or oil, so the paint is maintained for a long time, making it economical


Repair of peeled areas and cracks on the base surface during interior and exterior painting of buildings and waterproofing

Directions for work