Insulation complex waterproofing method

Patent No. 10-0683133

It is a composite waterproofing method in which an insulation made from volcanic ash, an inorganic raw material, and a Hi-powder waterproofing agent certified eco-friendly by KS are applied together. Since the main material is from eco-friendly raw materials, there is no generation of harmful substances, and it is an eco-friendly method that is safe even in the event of a fire and has excellent protective effect on the concrete structure after application.


01Eco-friendly method There is no generation of harmful substances during application

02Strong adhesion Strong adhesion to all substrates such as concrete, metal, and wood tiles

03Air permeable Inorganic molecules form pores and excellent air permeability blocks air pockets

04Great flexibility Excellent flexibility to buffer shocks and pressures such as vibration and cracks after application

05Excellent workability It is the only inorganic type in Korea that a 3mm waterproof layer can be installed with just two applications, and wet construction is possible.

06Energy saving About 20% reduction in cooling and heating costs due to insulation, warmth, and condensation blocking functions


Exposed and non-exposed waterproofing of building roofs, basement floors, balconies, etc.

Directions for work